Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Nursery Schedule

So new year is here and new schedule, of course I am keeping the same format, for the most part, but I think I like the times better, when we were doing nursery at 2:30, some kids were ready for naps, so far I like this better. So my schedule goes like this:

Nursery Schedule, 9th Branch
Horario de Guarderia Rama #9

10:15 - 10:20 .- Greeting/Opening Prayer
Bienvenida / Primera oración
10:20 - 10:50 .- Playtime
Juego libre
10:50 - 11:05 .- Singing Time
Tiempo de cantar
11:05 - 11:20 .- Snack Time
Bocadillos / Merienda
11:20 - 11:35 .- Lesson Time
11:35 - 11:50 .- Activity Time
11:50 - 12:00 .- Closing prayer / Free play
Ultima oración / Juego libre

Of course, sometimes I don't follow right to the T, but it goes something like it, and well I always use the activity time to talk about the lesson, since it usually is very short and only according to their attention span for the day, also sometimes I do an extra activity and that I do before snack time, and I use it for lesson time. The singing time is also a good time to talk about the theme for the day. And for the closing, we do play a little bit if there's time, usually if I don't have an extra activity, and we do bubbles, or puzzles, or the girls love playing kitchen. All through the 2 hours we pray, to start, to eat, to start lesson, to finish lesson, to finish day, they like taking turns praying and it is a good way to teach them that Heavenly Father is real and that we can ask him and thank him for anything.

So I guess it is different for everybody, it just takes knowing your kids, and adjusting the times for them :)

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